CALL US TODAY 405-843-5521
Demuth Funeral Home & Cremation Society™ of Oklahoma
Location: 1145 W Britton Rd.,
Oklahoma City, OK 73114
Phone: 405-843-5521
Alternate: 405-843-3345
In the event that the above numbers are not working due to a system error or outage, please call this cell number as a backup: 405-620-2908.
Cremation Association of North America
Oklahoma Funeral Directors Association
National Funeral Directors Association
Oklahoma Funeral Board
Greater OKC Chamber of Commerce
Business Office Hours:
24 hr. Phone Number to report a death or other after hours needs 405-843-5521
Phone: 405-843-5521
Alternate: 405-843-3345
Address: 1145 W Britton Rd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73114 United States
Business Office Hours:
24 hr. Phone Number to report a death or other after hours needs 405-843-5521