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Cosella's Obituary
Cosella Marie Cuddy born April 23 1942 went to be with the Lord on January 5th 2021. Born in Oklahoma City, Ok to John W. Van Metre Sr & Mary Jane (Stanton) Seabolt. She grew up in Oklahoma city, and graduated from John Marshall High School. She worked as a post office teller for many years ,and retired from there happily enjoying her time with family and friends. She loved people, and did not know a stranger. She was a loving, forgiving, and generous person. With a laugh and smile that could light up a room.
She enjoyed spending time with family, and friends. Also enjoyed reading and knitting. Her favorite thing of all was spoiling her grandchildren. Some may remember her fun sayings such as, "sorry sack of sour grapes, 6 of 1 half a dozen of the other, or try and behave because I'm not."
She is survived by her Daughter Tanya Pennington and son in Law John Pennington, granddaughter Margo Pierce and great grandchildren Cody & Raylee Pierce. Brothers John W. Van Metre Jr, and Eleck C. Seabolt along with countless other family and friends.
Phone: 405-843-5521
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Address: 1145 W Britton Rd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73114 United States
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