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Nathan's Obituary
Nathan Daniel Deal (63) of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, left this natural world on February 19, 2021. He was born on May 15, 1957, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to Clarence and Virginia Deal. Nathan, the fourth of five siblings, was perhaps the most aptly named. Nathan is a Hebrew name that means “He gave,” and if you are reading this obituary, you have more than likely been the recipient of his giving nature. As we gather to plan his service, we keep finding ourselves trying to figure out how we’re going to survive without him. The list of things Nathan did for others is too long to include here; suffice it to say that come Monday morning, many of us will realize that something isn’t being done because Nathan usually did it for us.
Nathan is survived by his son, Jeffrey Deal; his daughter, Jennifer Ann Deal; his grandson, Jacob Deal; his four siblings; and countless other nieces and nephews. We rest assured that Nathan is lovingly embraced by those who preceded him in death: his mother, Virginia Lee Gray Deal; his father, Clarence Dewight Deal; his niece and nephew, Tamara and Alex Horton. A visitation will be held Thursday, Feb 25 from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM at Demuth Funeral Home. A memorial service will be held for Nathan as soon as it is safe for us to gather in close enough quarters to have an appropriate celebration of his life.
Phone: 405-843-5521
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Address: 1145 W Britton Rd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73114 United States
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